Christian Megert Swiss, b. 1936

(b. 1936 Bern, Switzerland) After attending the Kunstgewerbeschule in Bern (1952 - 1956) Megert spent a long time in Berlin, Stockholm and Paris. In 1956 he exhibited, in the Galerie Portgasse in Bern, his first monochrome collages and diagrams and a year later he developed the paper grid pictures Schwarz weiß, weiß-weiß and Schwarz-Schwarz. At the end of the 50s he began to incorporate light into his work and to use mirrors as reflectors. In 1962, for the NUL exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, he built an environment themed around light, reflection and space and two years later he constructed a mirror- architecture piece for the Swiss Land Exhibition in Lausanne. 


Megert, who had played a key role in the expansion of the ZERO movement in Switzerland, moved in 1972 to Düsseldorf and was appointed Professor of Integrated Visual Arts and Architecture at the Kunstakademie. He also worked in the field of public spaces, undertaking the artistic formation of a sports school in Magglingen, followed by further mirror labyrinths, cube sculptures and well sites. 


Christian Megert lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany.