Miguel Chevalier French, b. 1959
Video 60 minutes presented on a 75 inch screen vertically within wooden frame
Frame: 184 x 112 x 16 cm (72 1/2 x 44 1/8 x 6 1/4 inches)
According to an approach initiated at the end of the 90s, which is based on the observation of the plant kingdom and its imaginary transposition into the digital universe, Miguel Chevalier is the creator of various herbaria and virtual gardens.
Nemophila Libertia d'Elsa Triolet is a virtual seed extracted from the Fractal Flowers virtual herbarium.
These flowers are at the edge of four worlds: vegetal, mineral, animal and robotic. The flowers born from digital germination, unfold incredible shapes, undulate with a virtual wind that we do not feel, before disappearing before our eyes to make way for others. We pass from abundant universes to moments when nature seems to enter a phase of winter rest. The flowers have both a real monumentality through their geometric shapes and at the same time an evanescent aspect when, in a few seconds, they evaporate in the air. These tableaux vivants exert a disturbing fascination on the viewer. These works hypnotise the gaze in a dazzling dialectic between the real and the virtual.